LiaBusiness insurance can get complicated. Small businesses need to protect themselves against damage to their property, income they may lose if they have to shut down after their property is damaged, and the risk of lawsuits. With the risks of crime and other types of losses that separate policies cover, there can be a lot to keep track of.
It does not have to be so complicated. Small businesses can meet many insurance needs with a single product – a businessowner’s
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Every small business goes through different cycles of profit and loss, as a result your risks and potential exposures are being similarly affected. At the same time, commercial insurance coverage is also continually evolving and changing; cyber liability coverage didn’t even exist at the turn of the last century. Nothing in either your business or the insurance industry remains static. This is why you should re-evaluate your insurance coverage at least once a year. A regular insurance audit will help you
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Businesses are always on the move and as such you or your employees are going to end up behind the wheel as part of operating your business. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are over 11 million traffic accidents in the U.S. each year. Having your work vehicles covered with a commercial auto insurance policy is vital to protect your business and its assets. You should take it one step further and make sure you train your employees
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